Etiqueta del plugin: leaflet
MapPress Maps for WordPress
(146 total de valoraciones)MapPress is the easiest way to add unlimited interactive Google and Leaflet maps to WordPress.
Leaflet Map
(56 total de valoraciones)Mapas interactivos y marcadores en tus entradas y páginas con sencillos shortcodes.
Ultimate Maps by Supsystic
(86 total de valoraciones)Ultimate Maps by Supsystic is the best Google Maps alternative. It includes OpenStreetMap (OSM), Bing Maps, MapBox and Thunderforest maps services
Open User Map
(49 total de valoraciones)Engage your visitors with an interactive map – let them add markers instantly or create a custom map showcasing your favorite spots.
Extensions for Leaflet Map
(21 total de valoraciones)Extends the WordPress Plugin Leaflet Map with Leaflet Plugins and other functions.
Map Block Leaflet
(9 total de valoraciones)Embed maps in content without needing to include an API key.
Out of the Block: OpenStreetMap
(5 total de valoraciones)A map block for Gutenberg using OpenStreetMap and Leaflet that needs no API keys and works out of the box. Or should we say, …Out of the Block?
Advanced Custom Fields: Leaflet Map Field
(2 total de valoraciones)Adds a Leaflet map field to the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
Gis maps
(5 total de valoraciones)This plugin show maps created with qgis and exported with qgis2web.
(12 total de valoraciones)Create Maps exactly the way you want using LocateAndFilter.
Nearby Map by Wabeo
(4 total de valoraciones)Allow you to insert a map to show activities, places and services around a given geographical point.
Locations and Areas – Leaflet Map with Region Tabs
(3 total de valoraciones)An awesome map with features like: multiple regions as tabs, no API keys needed, frontend location adding, marker clustering & beautiful map and m …
AcuGIS Leaflet Maps
(3 total de valoraciones)Easily create and display custom maps in your pages and posts.
(0 total de valoraciones)by this plugin you can display your location on the Parsijoo MAP
Integration between Leaflet Map and CiviCRM
(0 total de valoraciones)Provides an integration between CiviCRM api and the leaflet map. Meaning you can create maps from CiviCRM Data. You can use this plugin with Connector …
Map Visualizer
(0 total de valoraciones)Import your data from csv files and visualise them on Google streets/satellite maps
DSGVO snippet for Leaflet Map and its Extensions
(0 total de valoraciones)Respect the DSGVO / GDPR when you use Leaflet Map and Extensions for Leaflet Map.