Únete a WordPress
The open source publishing platform of choice for millions of websites worldwide—from creators and small businesses to enterprises.

Create any website with flexible design tools and the power of blocks. Start with a blank canvas or choose a theme. Customize every detail—no code needed.

See how your site will look in real time, even as you add, edit, and rearrange content—with intuitive editing and integrated features to manage it all.

Make your site do whatever you need it to. Add a store, analytics, newsletter, social media integration; you’re in control with an extensive library of plugins.
See what's new
Enhance your site-building with WordPress 6.7, featuring the new Twenty Twenty-Five theme. This release brings a ‘Zoom Out’ mode for high-level editing, enhanced media support, new design tools, and improved developer APIs.

One platform, a universe of possibilities
Discover a collection of website examples from around the world, curated to spotlight gorgeous design, technical innovation, and the limitless power of WordPress.

Meet the WordPress community
Behind the technology is a diverse collective of people collaborating and gathering from around the world. We hold regular events with opportunities to learn more about WordPress and the latest tech trends, connect with fellow industry experts, and foster your professional growth.
We’re united by the spirit of open source, and the freedom to build, transform, and share without barriers. Everyone is welcome.

Build for yourself, not by yourself
Tanto si eres un emprendedor, un desarrollador profesional o un bloguero novato, tienes a tu disposición una biblioteca de recursos y herramientas de aprendizaje. Además, tienes a toda la comunidad de WordPress a tu lado.
Primeros pasos
Encuentra todo lo que necesitas para empezar, descargar la plataforma, encontrar alojamiento y mucho más, tanto si es tu primer sitio como si es el nonagésimo primero.