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Pizza Lite

Pizza Lite

Commercial theme

Este tema es gratuito pero ofrece actualizaciones o soporte comercial de pago. View support

  • Versión 1.11
  • Last updated enero 6, 2025
  • Active installations 100+
  • PHP version 7.4

SKT Pizza Lite is suitable for pizza home delivery, online ordering, eCommerce, eatery, fast food, restaurant, bistro, cafe, coffee shop, bar, pub, diner, joint, outlet, dining room, cafeteria, food, recipe, chef, grill, hideaway, eating place, caterers, hotdog, takeaway, night club and other types of websites which are for local and small business and need responsive site which is multilingual plugin compatible like WPML, qTranslate X and Polylang and also is page builder friendly with elementor, divi, visual composer, beaver builder, live composer and others. WooCommerce compatible and can be used to book a table and book food online as well. It also contains an add on whereby one can import 150+ readymade Elementor templates and make use of it. Demo: https://www.sktperfectdemo.com/demos/pizzaordering/

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Instalaciones activas: 100+


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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US), Русский, Svenska y Українська.

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