Este tema no se ha actualizado en más de 2 años. Puede que ya no tenga mantenimiento o soporte, y puede tener problemas de compatibilidad si se utiliza con las versiones más recientes de WordPress.
Fury is the ultimate e-commerce front-end solution based on Bootstrap 4. Along with styling all default components of popular framework it introduces lots of new flexible elements you can use across website.
Blog, BuddyPress, Custom background, Custom colors, Custom header, Custom logo, Custom menu, E-commerce, Editor style, Featured image header, Featured images, Flexible header, Footer widgets, Full width template, Left sidebar, Microformatos, Noticias, One column, Post formats, Right sidebar, Sticky post, Theme options, Threaded comments, Translation ready, Two columns
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Instalaciones activas: 100+
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) y Nederlands.