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Blog Eye

Blog Eye

Commercial theme

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  • Versión 1.0.11
  • Last updated septiembre 16, 2024
  • Active installations 200+
  • PHP version 5.6

Blog Eye is a sleek and modern WordPress theme perfect for bloggers who crave simplicity and minimalism. With 3 different blog styles and a customizable sidebar. This theme gives you the ultimate flexibility in personalizing your blog’s look and feel. Plus, the built-in support for Elementor page builder and blocks makes creating and customizing your content a breeze. This theme can be used to create a variety of unique and stylish websites, including magazines, portfolios, personal blogs, business websites, photography sites, and news portals. Its versatile design and range of features make it an ideal choice for a wide range of projects.

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Instalaciones activas: 200+


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