Etiqueta del plugin: hello dolly
Success Quotes
(1 total de valoraciones)Need some inspiration? When activated Success Quotes plugin will show random success quotes in the top of your Wordpress admin page.
The Force
(1 total de valoraciones)This Plugin is Just Similar to the WordPress' Famous Hello Dolly Plugin. Except when activated you will randomly see a quote from The Star Wars S …
Hello Star
(0 total de valoraciones)Otro plugin inspirado en «Hello Dolly». Este plugin muestra información sobre las 88 constelaciones y sus estrellas que son más visibles dada su… …
Hello Top 100 Movie Quotes
(2 total de valoraciones)Display Top 100 movie quotes the same way as Hello Dolly does.
Bye Felicia
(0 total de valoraciones)This is just a simple plugin to replace Hello Dolly. For funsies. You're welcome. Today was a good day. Now, bye Felicia.
Kill Howdy
(5 total de valoraciones)Changes the text Howdy in the admin interface to a different greeting.
Charlie Sheen Quote Generator
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin displays a random quote from Charlie Sheen. Includes a widget, short code, and over-writes Hello Dolly.
Restful Hello Dolly
(1 total de valoraciones)Do you think that all of core needs to have REST support? This is the plugin for you!
Hello Stranger Things
(1 total de valoraciones)Este es un divertido plugin alternativa de Hello Dolly. ¡Se necesita toda la diversión de la serie Stranger Things!
Hello Phil
(1 total de valoraciones)Inspirado por «Hello Dolly», este plugin le proporciona a los administradores frases de «In the Air Tonight»…
Ai Kotoba
(0 total de valoraciones)This is JUST a plugin. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from the LYRICS in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.