Etiqueta del plugin: FontAwesome
Social Simple Widget
(0 total de valoraciones)Social Simple Widget plugin allows you to display links or icons on WordPress site.
SCFA (Shortcodes for Font Awesome)
(0 total de valoraciones)Generate inline HTML with Font Awesome icon libray by using shortcodes.
Wp Fontawesome by
(0 total de valoraciones)Wp Cb FontAwesome is a plugin to migrate from [FontAwesome]( "FontAwesome") 4 to 5 in the easiest way possible.
Convert Emoticons Font Awesome
(0 total de valoraciones)Convierte los emoticonos en íconos de Font Awesome.
WP Simple Menu Icons
(0 total de valoraciones)Una forma sencilla de añadir iconos de Font Awesome a tus menús de navegación.
Rundiz Font Awesome
(0 total de valoraciones)Use Font Awesome from your host and update from GitHub.
Block: Icons Font Awesome
(0 total de valoraciones)The Block Plugin: Icon Font Awesome allows you to easily add a Gutenberg block to select icons from the Font Awesome collection.
Icon Widget
(0 total de valoraciones)Display an icon, title and description with a widget or a shortcode