Etiqueta del plugin: custom avatar
WP First Letter Avatar
(33 total de valoraciones)Set custom avatars for users with no Gravatar. The avatar will be the first (or any other) letter of user's name on a colorful background.
WP Custom Avatar
(7 total de valoraciones)WP Custom Avatar adds the capability to change the default Avatar in your website.
Letter Avatars
(9 total de valoraciones)Establece avatares personalizados para los usuarios sin Gravatar. Los avatares serán reemplazados por la primera letra del nombre de usuario (o correo electrónico) en un colorido fondo
BuddyPress First Letter Avatar
(16 total de valoraciones)A WordPress-BuddyPress plugin to set fancy custom avatars for users with no Gravatar and no profile picture.
(0 total de valoraciones)Add a custom avatar (profile picture) from the Wordpress Media Library as user profile picture instead of gravatar.
Better Comments
(2 total de valoraciones)Better Comments allows you to easily style and customize your comment form and comments section, in just a few clicks.
(0 total de valoraciones)Set custom AVATAR (User Profile Image) and store avatars into Database as base64 string.
Avatar Project
(1 total de valoraciones)Receiving a comment on your blog post is great and the more comments the better the feeling. It means that not only your post is good but your site be …
Comment Name Avatar
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugins user for change comment avatar. First it author avatar removed and after the new look of avatar like skype avatar with short name.
Custom Profile Avatar
(0 total de valoraciones)You can easily change your WordPress profile avatar with Custom Profile Avatar. Also you can disable Gravatar with this plugin.