Etiqueta del plugin: child themes
Child Theme Configurator
(277 total de valoraciones)Cuando el uso del personalizador no es suficiente – Crea temas hijos a partir de tu tema instalado y personaliza estilos, plantillas, funciones y mucho más.
Child Theme Creator by Orbisius
(45 total de valoraciones)Create Child Themes quickly and easily from any theme that you have currently installed on your site/blog.
Theme File Duplicator
(4 total de valoraciones)Clone an existing template file from the Wordpress admin area. Go to Appearance -> Add Page Template
Easy Child Theme Creator
(2 total de valoraciones)Allow people to create a child theme with best practices
BNS Theme Add-Ins
(0 total de valoraciones)Extend the capabilities of WordPress Parent-Themes and Child-Themes
Wpp Easy Child Generator
(0 total de valoraciones)wpp easy Child Generator is a sidebar widget that create child theme of your selected theme.Plugins supports the selection of theme and use .