{eac}SoftwareRegistry Distribution SDK is an extension plugin to {eac}SoftwareRegistry Software Registration Server.
The Software Registry Distribution SDK is used to generate a custom PHP package that you can include in your software project to register your product with your registration server and manage that registration.
A custom version of this «readme.txt» file is included in the generated SDK package.
The SDK provides most of the PHP code you will need to implement the Application Program Interface with your Software Registration Server.
Included with the Software Registration SDK package…
Software Registry Implementation
After extracting the (your_productid)
file, move the (your_productid)_registration
folder to your project.
In your project or class file, include (your_productid)_registration/(your_productid)_registration.includes.php
to load the required interface and traits.
Your class file must then:
- implement
- use
include "(your_productid)_registration/(your_productid)_registration.includes.php";
class <your_classname> implements \(your_namespace)\Interfaces\(your_productid)_registration
use \(your_namespace)\Traits\(your_productid)_registration_(wordpress_or_filebased);
(your_productid)_registration.interface.php will have your product and registration server API constants.
const SOFTWARE_REGISTRY_PRODUCTID = '{your_software_registry_productid}';
const SOFTWARE_REGISTRY_HOST_URL = '{your_software_registry_host_url}';
const SOFTWARE_REGISTRY_CREATE_KEY = '{your_software_registry_create_key}';
const SOFTWARE_REGISTRY_UPDATE_KEY = '{your_software_registry_update_key}';
const SOFTWARE_REGISTRY_READ_KEY = '{your_software_registry_read_key}';
Using The API
API Parameters
API parameters are passed as an array:
$apiParams =
'registry_key' => 'unique ID', // * registration key (assigned by registry server)
'registry_name' => 'Firstname Lastname', // registrant's full name
'registry_email' => '', // * registrant's email address
'registry_company' => 'Comapny/Organization Name', // registrant's company name
'registry_address' => 'Street\n City St Zip', // registrant's full address (textarea)
'registry_phone' => 'nnnnnnnnnn', // registrant's phone
'registry_product' => 'productId', // * your product name/id ((your_productid))
'registry_title' => 'Product Title', // your product title
'registry_description' => 'Product Description', // your product description
'registry_version' => 'M.m.p', // your product version
'registry_license' => 'Lx', // 'L1'(Lite), 'L2'(Basic), 'L3'(Standard), 'L4'(Professional), 'L5'(Enterprise), 'LD'(Developer), 'LU'(Unlimited)
'registry_count' => int, // Number of licenses (users/seats/devices)
'registry_variations' => array('name'=>'value',...), // array of name/value pairs
'registry_options' => array('value',...), // array of registry options
'registry_domains' => array('domain',...), // array of valid/registered domains
'registry_sites' => array('url',...), // array of valid/registered sites/uris
'registry_transid' => '', // external transaction id
'registry_timezone' => '', // standard timezone string (client timezone)
* Required values (registry_key not required when creating a new registration).
If setting registry_transid, the recommended (not required) format is
where {id} is the transaction id, {source} indicates the source of the transaction, and {suffix} may be used as needed.
Any additional fields passed wil be saved as custom fields.
Although typically set by the Software Registry server, with the proper option setting, the API may override:
'registry_status' => 'status', // 'pending', 'trial', 'active', 'inactive', 'expired', 'terminated'
'registry_effective' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', // Effective date (Y-m-d)
'registry_expires' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', // Expiration date (Y-m-d) or term ('30 days', '1 year',... added to effective date)
Payment information may be posted with:
'registry_paydue' => float, // amount to be paid/billed,
'registry_payamount' => float, // amount paid,
'registry_paydate' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', // date paid
'registry_payid' => 'payment id' // transaction id/check #, etc.
'registry_nextpay' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', // next payment/renewal date
API Requests
Create/request a new registration…
$response = $this->registryApiRequest('create',$apiParams);
Activate an existing registration…
$response = $this->registryApiRequest('activate',['registry_key' => '<registrationKeyValue>']);
Activate and Update an existing registration…
$response = $this->registryApiRequest('activate',$apiParams);
Deactivate an existing registration…
$response = $this->registryApiRequest('deactivate',['registry_key' => '<registrationKeyValue>']);
Verify or Refresh an existing registration…
$response = $this->registryApiRequest('verify',['registry_key' => '<registrationKeyValue>']);
$response = $this->registryApiRequest('refresh',$apiParams);
Revise an existing registration…
$response = $this->registryApiRequest('revise',$apiParams);
API Response
The API response is a standard object. status->code is an http status, 200 indicating success.
status ->
'code' -> 200, // HTTP status code
'message' -> '(action) ok' // (action) = 'create', 'activate', 'deactivate', 'verify', 'revise'
registration ->
'registry_key' -> string // UUID,
'registry_status' -> string, // 'pending', 'trial', 'active', 'inactive', 'expired', 'terminated', 'invalid'
'registry_effective' -> string, // DD-MMM-YYYY effective date
'registry_expires' -> string, // DD-MMM-YYYY expiration date
'registry_name' -> string,
'registry_email' -> string,
'registry_company' -> string,
'registry_address' -> string,
'registry_phone' -> string,
'registry_product' -> string,
'registry_title' -> string,
'registry_description' -> string,
'registry_version' -> string,
'registry_license' -> string,
'registry_count' -> int,
'registry_variations' -> array,
'registry_options' -> array,
'registry_domains' -> array,
'registry_sites' -> array,
'registry_transid' -> string,
'registry_timezone' -> string,
'registry_valid' -> bool, // true/false
registrar ->
'contact' -> object(
'name' -> string // Registrar Name
'email' -> string // Registrar Support Email
'phone' -> string // Registrar Telephone
'web' -> string // Registrar Web Address
'cacheTime' -> int, // in seconds, time to cache the registration response (Default Cache Time)
'refreshInterval' -> int, // in seconds, time before refreshing the registration (Default Refresh Time)
'refreshSchedule' -> string, // 'hourly','twicedaily','daily','weekly' corresponding to refreshInterval
'options' -> array( // from settings page, registrar_options (Allow API to...)
'notices' -> object(
'info' -> string, // information message text
'warning' -> string, // warning message text
'error' -> string, // error message text
'success' -> string, // success message text
'message' -> string, // html message
registryHtml -> string, // html (table) of human-readable registration values
supplemental -> mixed, // supplemental data/html assigned via filters (developer's discretion).
On a successful response (status->code = 200), the SDK will automatically cache the registration data and schedule the next refresh event (you do not have to do this).
notices may be set (according to severity) to indicate an expiration or pending expiration and should be displayed to the user. Typically, only one notice will be set but they can be set via the eacSoftwareRegistry_api_registration_notices
message is set via the eacSoftwareRegistry_api_registration_message
supplemental is set via the eacSoftwareRegistry_api_registration_supplemental
On an error response, an additional element is included:
error ->
'code' -> 'error_code',
'message' -> 'error message'
error->message may be more informative than status->message.
Errors may be handled with something like:
if ($this->is_api_error($response))
echo "<div class='notice notice-error'><h4>Error ".$response->error->code." : ".$response->error->message."</h4></div>";
Methods, Hooks, and Callbacks
Useful methods built into the SDK…
// Returns boolean
if ( $this->isValidRegistration() ) {...}
// Returns the current registration key
$registrationKey = $this->getRegistrationKey();
// Returns the current registration object (above response object)
$currentRegistration = $this->getCurrentRegistration();
// Returns the value of a specific registry key
$regStatus = $this->isRegistryValue( 'status ');
$this->isRegistryValue($keyName, $value, $test);
// Returns boolean comparison of the value of a registry key ($test is '=|eq' (default), '<|lt', '>|gt', '<=|le', '>=|ge')
if ( $this->isRegistryValue('license', 'L3', '>=') ) {...}
Several hooks are available to customize or react to registration events.
In WordPresss, there are several actions and filters, for file based projects there are corresponding callback methods…
filter/callback: (your_productid)_api_remote_request( $request, $endpoint )
@param array $request ['method'=>, 'timeout'=>, 'redirection'=>, 'sslverify'=>, 'headers'=>, 'body'=>]
@param string $endpoint create, activate, deactivate, verify, refresh, revise
@return array request body
action/callback: (your_productid)_api_remote_response( $body, $request, $endpoint )
@param array $body response body
@param array $request ['method'=>, 'timeout'=>, 'redirection'=>, 'sslverify'=>, 'headers'=>, 'body'=>]
@param string $endpoint create, activate, deactivate, verify, refresh, revise
action/callback: (your_productid)_api_remote_$endpoint( $body, $request, $endpoint )
@param array $body response body
@param array $request ['method'=>, 'timeout'=>, 'redirection'=>, 'sslverify'=>, 'headers'=>, 'body'=>]
@param string $endpoint create, activate, deactivate, verify, refresh, revise
action/callback: (your_productid)_api_remote_error( $error, $request, $endpoint )
@param object $error {status:{}, error: {}}
@param array $request ['method'=>, 'timeout'=>, 'redirection'=>, 'sslverify'=>, 'headers'=>, 'body'=>]
@param string $endpoint create, activate, deactivate, verify, refresh, revise
action/callback: (your_productid)_update_registration($registration)
@param array $registration registration object
action/callback: (your_productid)_purge_registration()
What You Need To Do
For WordPress Projects
In your class constructor/initialization, add an action to fulfill the registration refresh scheduled by the scheduleRegistryRefresh()
method in (your_productid).wordpress.trait.php
\add_action( '(your_productid)_registry_refresh', array($this, 'refreshRegistration') );
You can add this and other hooks with:
The addSoftwareRegistryHooks()
method adds:
\add_action( '(your_productid)_registry_refresh', array($this, 'refreshRegistration') );
\add_filter( '(your_productid)_is_registered', array($this, 'isValidRegistration') );
\add_filter( '(your_productid)_registration_key', array($this, 'getRegistrationKey') );
\add_filter( '(your_productid)_registration', array($this, 'getCurrentRegistration') );
\add_filter( '(your_productid)_registry_value', array($this, 'isRegistryValue'), 10, 4 );
include "(your_productid)_registration/(your_productid)_registration.includes.php";
class <your_classname> implements \(your_namespace)\Interfaces\(your_productid)_registration
use \(your_namespace)\Traits\(your_productid)_registration_wordpress;
public function __construct()
For Other File Based Projects
The scheduleRegistryRefresh()
method in (your_productid)_registration.filebased.trait.php
is called to schedule the next registration refresh. This method can be modified to schedule a cron event to execute the refresh at a future time. The scheduled event may run (your_productid)_registration.refresh.php <registrationKeyValue>
from the command line to refresh the registration.
When left as is, the checkRegistryRefreshEvent()
method uses the key file to check for a needed registration refresh.
In your class constructor or destructor add:
to trigger the refresh check.
include "(your_productid)_registration/(your_productid)_registration.includes.php";
class <your_classname> implements \(your_namespace)\Interfaces\(your_productid)_registration
use \(your_namespace)\Traits\(your_productid)_registration_filebased;
public function __destruct()
/* if necessary, set HOME and/or TMP/TMPDIR/TEMP directories */
// putenv('HOME={your home directory}'); // where the registration key is stored, otherwise use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
// putenv('TMP={your temp directory}'); // where the registration data is stored, otherwise use sys_get_temp_dir()
User Interface
Of course, the user interface is up to you, the developer, but you may look at (and maybe use) the registration UI trait included with {eac}Doojigger and used by {eac}SoftwareRegistry as an example.
- …/Traits/swRegistrationUI.trait.php in the eacDoojigger folder.
- …/Extensions/class.eacSoftwareRegistry_registration.extension.php in the eacSoftwareRegistry folder.
See Also
Copyright © 2019-2024, EarthAsylum Consulting, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should receive a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
{eac}SoftwareRegistry Distribution SDK is an extension plugin to and requires installation and registration of {eac}SoftwareRegistry.*
Automatic Plugin Installation
This plugin is available from the WordPress Plugin Repository and can be installed from the WordPress Dashboard » Plugins » Add New page. Search for ‘EarthAsylum’, click the plugin’s [Install] button and, once installed, click [Activate].
See Managing Plugins -> Automatic Plugin Installation
Upload via WordPress Dashboard
Installation of this plugin can be managed from the WordPress Dashboard » Plugins » Add New page. Click the [Upload Plugin] button, then select the file from your computer.
See Managing Plugins -> Upload via WordPress Admin
Manual Plugin Installation
You can install the plugin manually by extracting the file and uploading the ‘eacsoftwareregistry-distribution-sdk’ folder to the ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder on your WordPress server.
See Managing Plugins -> Manual Plugin Installation
Options for this extension will be added to the Software Registry » Settings » Distribution tab.
No hay reseñas para este plugin.
Colaboradores y desarrolladores
«{eac}SoftwareRegistry Distribution SDK» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.
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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?
Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.
Registro de cambios
Version 1.1.1 – November 23, 2024
- Fix bug when creating zip file.
Version 1.1.0 – November 20, 2024
- Use wp_filesystem when creating SDK (note that zip_archive does not).
- Addition of
key in registry api response data. - SDK output has not changed and it is not necessary to recreate SDKs.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.7+
Version 1.0.9 – June 6, 2023
- Removed unnecessary plugin_update_notice trait.
Version 1.0.8 – April 17, 2023
- Added ‘refresh’ api call like ‘verify’, with update parameters.
- Retains current registration if api call fails (non-200 status).
Version 1.0.7 – April 8, 2023
- Fixed encoding of response error message in api call traits.
Version 1.0.6 – November 15, 2022
- Updated for {eac}SoftwareRegistry v1.2 and {eac}Doojigger v2.0.
- Uses ‘options_settings_page’ action to register options.
- Moved plugin_action_links_ hook to eacSoftwareRegistry_load_extensions filter.
- Improved plugin loader and updater.
Version 1.0.5 – October 23, 2022
- Fixed slug name in WordPress trait.
- Fix potential PHP notice in interface.trait on registry api error.
- Lowered API timeout to 6 seconds.
- Added API retry on http status 408.
Version 1.0.4 – September 24, 2022
- Fixed potential PHP notice on load (plugin_action_links_).
- Added upgrade notice trait for plugins page.
- Fixed pattern attribute.
Version 1.0.3 – September 10, 2022
- Fix validation attributes on input fields.
Version 1.0.2 – August 28, 2022
- Updated to / Requires {eac}Doojigger 1.2.0
- Added ‘Settings’, ‘Docs’ and ‘Support’ links on plugins page.
Version 1.0.1 – July 14, 2022
- Cosmetic changes for WordPress submission.
- Renamed SDK .php files to .tpl to prevent SVN pre-compile errors.
Version 1.0.0 – May 4, 2022
- Initial public release.